At KNDS UK we work hard to ensure that we operate as a socially responsible, ethical and environmentally friendly business.


KNDS UK follows the guiding principles of our parent company declaration of principles on respect for human rights which can be found at https://www.knds.de/ueber-uns/compliance/

Our commitment in respect of the Modern Slavery Act:

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, of the Modern Slavery Act and sets out the steps KNDS Defence UK Limited is taking to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain.

It is our belief that modern slavery and human trafficking are abhorrent practices that will not be tolerated in our own operations or in our supply chains, and we will take such steps that are reasonable to ensure than none are present. We are committed to working ethically and with integrity and we require our business partners to do the same.

We will issue this statement and provide follow-up instruction to relevant managers and employees that manage either our people or our suppliers.

We will require that every manager completes a declaration and returns it to us on an annual basis to affirm that they will comply with our Policy.

We will conduct a risk assessment on our supply chain and higher risk suppliers will be subject to an audit to ensure they are complying with their declaration and obligations under the Modern Slavery Act.

We will update template commercial agreements to include an obligation that labour suppliers will comply with the Act and ensure that their suppliers and sub-contractors will too.

If any supplier is found to be in breach of the Modern Slavery Act we will discontinue all commercial activities with them.

If any employee is found to be in breach of the Modern Slavery Act this will be treated as Gross Misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Ian Anderton, KNDS UK Managing Director

22nd January 2019


The company recognises the importance of environmental stewardship and works to continually reduce its impact on Air, Land and Water in alignment with current UK legislation. KNDS UK operates an accredited Environmental Management System to ISO 14001 (Certificate number: EMS 536835).


We have been based at the same site in Heaton Chapel, Stockport, UK since 1917, and we remain a significant employer who takes our responsibility for nurturing local manufacturing engineering talent seriously. The strength of our company depends on a highly skilled, qualified and experienced workforce and our factory is home to one of the UK’s most advanced Welding Schools.

We signed the Armed Forces Covenant in 2018, were awarded the ERS Bronze Award in 2019, the Silver Award in 2020 and the Gold Award in 2024. As such, we actively support the employment of veterans, reservists and cadets, recognising military skills, qualifications and experience in our recruitment and selection process.

KNDS UK is a proud supporter of Stockport’s award-winning Fairey Brass Band and Forever Manchester, the community foundation for Greater Manchester.


The company is committed to the health and safety of all of its employees and contractors, particularly given the scale of its manufacturing operations. As a demonstration of this commitment, the company maintains its registration to ISO 45001 (Certificate number: OHS 599101). Accident frequency rates are actively monitored and reviewed, with the reportable frequency rate being significantly lower than the national trend reported by the Health and Safety Executive year on year.


KNDS UK maintains an accredited Quality Management System to ISO 9001 (Certificate number: FM 27675) which covers all aspects of the business from design through to manufacture and test. The facility is further supported by a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No: 0328.   

Further certification includes EN3834 for Welding and EN 1090 for CE Marking.

We have been awarded the Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance.





As a company that exports its products to over 40 different countries worldwide, trading equitably and transparently is a cornerstone of our business.

The risk of bribery and corruption is, unfortunately, a feature of corporate and public life in many countries across the world. Therefore, as governments, businesses and non-governmental organisations such as Transparency International work together to tackle the issue, KNDS Defence UK Limited has adopted a clear policy whereby we support our employees to make decisions in line with our Anti-Corruption Code.

KNDS Defence UK Limited upholds all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which it operates, including, but not limited to:

1. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (US)

2. Bribery Act (UK)

3. Criminal Finances Act


KNDS UK is committed to:

Delivering world-leading engineering solutions

Remaining at the forefront of the design and manufacture of tactical military bridges

Focused on improving what we do and how we do it

Providing industry-leading training and support

Building long lasting and collaborative relationships with our customers

Preserving the legacy of over a century of British engineering excellence

KNDS UK is a responsible and ethical business which is committed to our environment, our staff and our community.



KNDS UK’s ultimate holding company is KNDS N.V., a company incorporated in the Netherlands.

KNDS UK's immediate parent company is land defence systems provider, KNDS Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG., a company incorporated in Germany.


The principal activities of the company are the design, manufacture and after-sales support of rapidly-deployable, modern bridging systems and related products for use in military, homeland security and disaster relief scenarios.


The following tax strategy statement applies to  KNDS Defence UK Limited (KNDS UK) and its holding company, KNDS UK Holdings Limited, which together comprise “KNDS UK Group” or the “UK Group”. The publication of this UK strategy statement is regarded as satisfying the requirements of Schedule 19 of the Finance Act.

This tax strategy statement applies to all UK taxes applicable to the UK Group and it is effective for the financial year ending 31 December 2018. The tax strategy statement will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.


The tax affairs of the UK Group are managed by KNDS UK’s Finance Director, the UK Group’s finance team, and external tax expertise is used where necessary.

KNDS UK complies with all relevant revenue laws, and all taxes are accounted for and paid. Procedures and controls are in place to ensure tax compliance obligations are satisfied.

KNDS UK recognises that risks will inevitably arise from time to time in relation to the interpretation of tax laws and the nature of our compliance arrangements. Where necessary, KNDS UK engages external advisers to assist in identifying, evaluating, monitoring and managing these risks.


KNDS UK does not enter into any aggressive tax planning or support the use of artificial structures that are established solely to avoid paying tax and have no business purpose.


The UK Group engages with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (‘HMRC’) in an honest, respectful, transparent, and co-operative manner. The UK Group does not take positions on tax matters that may create reputational risk or jeopardise our good reputation with HMRC.



Gender Pay Gap Statement


Sir Richard Fairey Road
Heaton Chapel
Stockport SK4 5DY

Tel: +44 (0) 161 975 5700



© KNDS Defence UK Limited 2024